Skiing Through Virgin Valleys
Ski pe vai neatinse

For those interested in skiing in wild places, through valleys with virgin snow, there there are many choices in the Carpahians.

The ideal season for such a skiing tour is April-June, after the avalanche danger has gone. In those places which are not very steep and where the avalanches are rare, one may ski even during winter.

Vom vorbi mai putin aici despre schiatul pe partii amenajate, si mai mult despre schiatul in locuri salbatice, pe vai cu zapada neatinsa!

Sezonul ideal pentru astfel de schi este primavara, cand pe firele vailor zapada ce a curs toata iarna de pe versanti este bine fixata si pericolul avalanselor a trecut. Sunt si zone, cum ar fi zona interioara a muntilor Bucegi unde se poate merge in orice perioada a iernii, caci datorita pantelor mai domoale si a vailor largi pericolul avalanselor este mai mic.

SKI Photo Album

Winter Photo Album

In the spring, the packed snow along the mountain valleys is about 5-10m deep. During the winter all of this snow is carried by snowstorms and avalanches on the valleys bottom. The spring skiing is the most exciting one. In high mountains, as Fagarasi and Bucegi Mountains the valleys start at 2400-2500m altitude. Such a valley ends at 1200-1400m altitude and has few kilometres in length. On its way down, one can pass through real winter at the top of the valley and enjoy a beautiful and sunny spring or early summer at the end of it.

The price paid for skiing in such wild places with virgin snow is at least one hour walking on the mountain carrying the skies by oneself or the huge price for a helicopter rent. But it worth it, believe me! In Fagarasi and Bucegi Mountains the cable car has proven to be very useful in this situation. In Fagarasi or Bucegi Mountains, the skier can be carried by cable car up to more than 2000m altitude. From there, after a walk of an hour and so, starts the valley chosen for skiing.

Primavara, stratul de zapada de pe firul vailor alpine ajunge pana la 5-10 metrii grosime, caci toata iarna, viscolul si avalansele poarta zapada de pe versanti jos pe firul vaii.
Schiul de primavara aduce schiorului cele mai mari satisfactii. Vaile din Muntii Fagarasi si Bucegi, pleaca de la 2400-2500 metri altitudine. Dupa cativa kilometrii de coborare pe schiuri, zapada se termina pe la 1200-1400 metri altitudine. Sus pe munte e iarna, iar jos te intampina padurea de fag cu frunzis proaspat verde crud, si paraie limpezi ce te indeamna sa te scalzi in ele dupa grozava tura de schi.

Schiatul in astfel de locuri salbatice, cu zapada neatinsa se plateste de obicei cu cel putin o ora de mers cu schiurile in spate sau cu o avere pentru inchirierea unui elicopter. Dar merita! Oricum in muntii Bucegi si in Fagarasi, exista telecabine care urca pana sus la peste 2000 de metrii. Apoi urmeaza o plimbare de o ora doua pana in locul de unde incepe valea aleasa pentru coborarea pe schiuri.

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