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Walking Away from the Noisy Town |
What can be more exciting than walking away from the noisy town into the wild nature? Even someone living in a nice town like Brasov, surrounded by the mountain summits, feels sometimes, when the sky is blue and the sun shines, the urge to go far away, right on the top of these summits. If you like wild life and nature the only problem you got is to choose the way to walk on. Every way starting from Brasov leads you to a summit! |
Ce poate fi mai grozav decat o evadare cu ranita in spate departe de orasul zgomotos? Chiar si in Brasovul cel alintat de crestele mumntilor te apuca uneori un dor de duca atunci cand soarele straluceste sus pe cer, si muntii parca te cheama sa-i cuceresti. Si daca iti plac salbaticia si natura cruda, atunci problema consta in a alege incotro sa o pornesti, caci din Brasov in orice directie ai porni te intampina muntii. | |||
The trips can be of one or more days. It is possible to rich a summit in only a day or just few hours. But to get to know better the variety and richness of the wild nature and landscape, here in the Carpathian, it takes more than a day. The Carpathians are situated in an area with temperate climate. This makes the landscape extremely diverse. The mountains are covered by leafy forests and meadows with flowers, until 1000m altitude Further away starts the 'fir trees kingdom'.Higher than 1800m the mountains are covered only on juniper trees and mountain grass. The highest summits have about 2500 m atitude, therefore there are no glaciers in Carpatian Mountains. However in some mountain valleys the snow doesn't melt for a whole year. In more than one day trips made in summer, one can spend the night in a tent or a mountain chalet. Mountain chalets are clean but basic, not very comfortable. Late in autumn, after the sheep flocks were taken down in the fields, the night can also be spent in uninhabited sheepfolds. What an adventure, don't you think? |
Traseele pot fi de o zi sau de mai multe. Chiar si intr-o zi sau numai cateva ore se pot atinge crestele cele mai inalte. Dar daca vrei sa gusti cu adevarat bucuriile pe care ti le ofera natura, sa descoperi minunata lume a Carpatilor, atunci trebuie sa petreci mai multe zile, acolo sus in creierul muntilor. Fiind situati intr-o zona de clima temperata, in Carpati vei gasi o mare varietate de peisaje. Pana la 1000 de metri altitudine muntii sunt acoperiti de paduri de foioase, mai ales de fag, si din loc in loc de poiene cu minunate flori. Mai sus este imparatia bradului, ca de la 1800 de metri in sus acesta sa cedeze locul jnepenilor si pasunilor alpine. Altitudinea ce doar in putine locuri trece de 2500 de metri, face ca in Muntii Carpati sa nu existe ghetari. Totusi, in vaile alpine umbrite zapada tine pana tarziu, in unele locuri pana iarna urmatoare. Vara se poate merge cu cortul, ceea ce ofera o mare mobilitate. Se poate sta si la cabane, care sunt curate dar nu ofera un grad mare de confort. Totusi mergand din cabana in cabana, ranita se micsoreaza simtitor. Toamna, dupa ce oile au coborat de la munte se poate innopta in stanele pustii. Asta da aventura! |