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Ride the Bike to the Carpathian Peaks |
The surroundings of Brasov are definitely ideal for mountain bike riding. The unusual feature of this town is that the mountain roads start right from the old town centre! Along the mountains surrounding Brasov, there are a lot of paths suitable for mountain bike. Theses can be forestry roads, which start at the end of the town or narrow paths which leads to the mountain summits, up to 2500 m altitude. A tour of these surrounding can take only few hours or many days. |
Zona Brasovului este ideala pentru plimbari pe bicicleta de munte. Lucru rar pentru multe orase, drumurile de munte incep chiar din centrul orasului! In muntii din jurul Brasovului exista o multime drumuri
si carari bune pentru bicicleta de munte. De la drumuri
forestiere dintre care unele incep chiar de la margine
orasului, la carari ce se avanta pe crestele cele mai inalte
ale muntilor, pana la 2500 metri altitudine. | |||
One day trips are the most comfortable ones, since the luggage carried on the bike is minimal. The trips may start from the old town centre and continue on the hills which surround the city and so the landscape is extremely diverse. However it takes more than one day to get to know better the mountain wilderness. One may stay over night on a tent or mountain hut, or more adventurous at a sheepfold or refuge. Don't worry, the Romanians are friendly and hospitable. Bears? Oops this is another story... If you don't like to ride a bike on the snow, the mountain bike trip starts on April at low altitude. On the high mountains the snow vanishes only in May-June. The bike season last until end of November when the mountains start to be covered by snow. The weather is stable and cool, just perfect for a mountain bike trip during September and October. |
Turele de o zi sunt cele mai comode, pentru ca bagajul care trebuie carat
cu bicicleta este minim. Faptul ca drumurile de munte incep practic din centrul
vechi al Brasovului care este inconjurat de dealuri impadurite, face ca
intr-o zi plecand din oras pe bicicleta sa poti face excursii extrem de variate.
Daca nu-ti place sa mergi cu bicicleta pe zapada, sezonul de bicicleta de munte incepe prin aprilie in zonele mai joase. Pe muntii inalti zapada tine pana in mai-iunie. Toamna se poate merge in munti cu bicicleta pana tarziu in noiembrie cand muntii incep sa fie acoperiti de zapada. Septembrie si octombrie au de obicei o vreme stabila, si racoroasa perfecta pentru excursii montane. |