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Welcome to the Wonderful World of Carpathian Mountains the Transylvanian Alps! If you like adventure, if you love wild nature, if you are among those who feel great up there, on the summits, if you enjoy to ski on wild places with virgin snow, or to ride the mountain bike to the mountains peaks, this site can help you to discover the wonderful world of Carpathian Mountains! What's NEW? Last updated 27th of July 1999:
Daca iti place aventura, daca iubesti natura salbatica, muntii, daca te numeri printre cei care se simt in largul lor acolo sus pe munte, daca pentru tine este grozav sa schiezi in locuri salbatice pe zapada neatinsa, sau sa ajungi cu bicicleta de munte sus spre culmile muntilor, acest sit te va ajuta sa (re)descoperi minunata lume a muntilor Carpati! Ce e NOU? Ultima actualizare 27 Iulie 1999: