A Collection of Internet Resources and News:
Electronic Commerce, Shopping, and Banking
BITTE SPRECHEN SIE MIT DIESEM ONLINE-BUCH: Sie können Internet Such-Datenbanken wie beispielsweise Lycos oder www.web.de verwenden, um weitere Quellen zu den hier besprochenen Themen aufzufinden. Falls Sie Ihre Funde dann mit den anderen Lesern teilen möchten, können Sie Ihre Link-Vorschläge in unserem Forum eingeben oder uns an emall@obs-us.com emailen. Unsere Link-Editoren werden Sie dann der Sammlung hinzufügen.
TALK BACK TO THIS ONLINE BOOK: You can use Internet search engines, such as, for instance, Lycos, to find further information on these topics. If you want to share your findings with other readers of this book, please enter your link suggestions to our forum or email them to emall@obs-us.com and our link editors will add them to this collection.
Some Examples of Electronic Malls on the Internet:
- Die Electronic Mall Bodensee (EMB) (Dieses Projekt wurde vom IWI-HSG initiiert und wird zusammen mit Partnern in Deutschland und Österreich getragen; es baut auf den Konzepten, die im Buch dargestellt werden, auf.)
- Die Electronic Mall Zentralschweiz
- Blue Window
- Government Electronic Mall (GEM) (U.S. General Services Administration GSA)
Conferences on Electronic Commerce
Academic Institutions
- IS WorldNet (Image map version)
IS WorldNet (Text version)IS WorldNet wants to provide information management scholars and practitioners with a single entry point to resources related to information systems technology and promote the development of an international information infrastructure that will dramatically improve the world's ability to use information systems for creating, disseminating, and applying knowledge. The Institute for Information Management at the University of St. Gallen intends to maintain the research page on Interorganizational Systems (IOS)
- Marketing in Computer-Mediated Environments (CMEs) (Vanderbilt University)
This Web site is devoted to understanding the ways in which computer-mediated environments, especially the Internet, are revolutionizing the way firms conduct business.
- MIT Center for Coordination Science
The MIT Center for Coordination Science is part of the Sloan School of Management. They conduct multi-disciplinary research in the field of Information Systems, Economics, Psychology and Computer Science.
Euridis is a interfaculty institute, combining information technology (IT) research at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. The combined disciplines are business, economics, public administration, philosophy and law.
- Coalition for Electronic Markets
The Coalition for Electronic Markets (CEM) intends to build and deploy a revenue collection infrastructure for commerce in electronic goods (computer software, electronic documents, and reusable software components)
- The Information Economy
School of Information Management and Systems, University of California at Berkeley, Hal R. Varian. This is a collection of documents that have to do with the the economics of the Internet, information goods, intellectual property and related issues.
- Fairfax Electronic Commerce Resource Center
Provides information and assistance to Government and Industry with regard to Electronic Commerce (EC), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Continous Acquisition Lifecycle Support (CALS) , Enterprise Integration and Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR).
- Center for Information Technology & Management (CITM)
CITM is devoted to interdisciplinary research, outreach, and education on the strategic use of information technology in organizations. Its current projects are centered on business and technological issues of the emerging national and global information infrastructure.
- Roger Clarke's Electronic Commerce Page
Department of Commerce, Australian National University, Canberra. Information about ANU's Research Programme in Supra-Organisational Systems, including many abstracts of research papers.
Publications and Papers on Electronic Commerce
- EM Newsletter ( IWI St. Gallen)
- Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC)
- The Automation of Capital Markets (Institute of Organization, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
- Commercial Scenarios for the Web: Opportunities and Challenges
To appear in the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Special Issue on Electronic Commerce
- Superdistribution - Objects as Property on the Electronic Frontier by Brad C. Cox
- Architectures and Infrastructure for Electronic Markets ( IWI St. Gallen)
- Internet World's Business on the Internet (MecklerMedia)
Search form for articles and case studies about electronic commerce on the Internet.
- Print Publications Related to Business Use of the Internet
Electronic Commerce Projects
- Competence Center TeleCounter ( IWI St. Gallen)
- Competence Center Electronic Markets ( IWI St. Gallen)
- CC EM Publications and Working Papers ( IWI St. Gallen)
Information Directories on Electronic Commerce
- The Yahoo Directory of Electronic Commerce
- Newsletters
- The Yahoo Directory of Financial Services: Digital Money
- The Yahoo Directory of Electronic Commerce Software
- Net.Value: Interesting Business Sites on the Web
- Interesting Business Sites on the Web
- The Business Web
List of companies categorized by type of product or service.
- The Internet Business Center
Information on conduction business on the Internet. Featuring papers on Internet marketing, Internet statistics and a list of business sites.
- Thomas Ho's Electronic Commerce Collection
- Commercial sites on the Web
Directory of commercial services, products, and information on the Internet. Includes a "What's New" section and a searchable index.
- Interesting Business Sites on the Web
This is a list that been developed for teaching. The intent is to include a relatively small (less than 50) list of sites that cover most of the exciting business uses of the Web, plus some reasonable international and industry coverage.
- Telecom Information Resources on the Internet
This document contains references to information sources relating to the technical, economic, public policy, and social aspects of telecommunications.
Companies: Payment, Shopping, and Banking
- Premenos
An EDI consulting and software firm. The server contains EDI standard documents, an electronic commerce resource guide and information about the company.
- Network Payment Mechanisms and Digital Cash
A collection of papers, articles, reports, press releases, discussions, implementation tools, links to payment development and related sites, and more to do with Network Payment Mechanisms and Digital Cash.
- Electronic Money Links (NUA)
- WebCard VISA
- Secure WebBank Transactions (Example)
- Bank of America
Mailing List Archives
BITTE SPRECHEN SIE MIT DIESEM ONLINE-BUCH: Sie können Internet Such-Datenbanken wie beispielsweise Lycos oder www.web.de verwenden, um weitere Quellen zu den hier besprochenen Themen aufzufinden. Falls Sie Ihre Funde dann mit den anderen Lesern teilen möchten, können Sie Ihre Link-Vorschläge in unserem Forum eingeben oder uns an emall@obs-us.com emailen. Unsere Link-Editoren werden Sie dann der Sammlung hinzufügen.