About Kleinstadt Promenade
In the United States, malls make sense. That's why we're here: Whistlestop Mall, the first place you come to in Rockport when you step off the train from Boston. Don't look for steel and glass, because we're made of wood, and house the only supermarket in town, doctors, a dentist, insurance company, Cape Ann tour company, photo shop, hardware store, coffee shop and Dairy Train. In this postcard of a town, Rockport's harbor is
three hundred years old, and features Motif #1, the most painted site in the Northeast. We live where we work, some of us in classic old captain's houses.
We've grown from being a village of fishermen, to a quarrying town, to a painters' haven. Now Rockport's main business is tourism, and we welcome people from all over the world. Drop us a line or just stop by one of these days.

Open Book Systems
The Open Book sails uncharted seas. Our first cooperative venture in publishing, under the aegis of Protean Press, produced Joseph E. Garland's "The Gloucester Guide" in 1989. This book features many images of Gloucester's rich history and people. You might even call Kleinstadt Promenade a "cybermall" because OBS is located here, as well as on screens around the Net.
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