People Then and Now
The Adventure -- a ship made great by the extraordinary people who sailed
her. During Adventure's first career as a Grand Banks fishing schooner, the Captains would bring her into port
loaded to the gunwales with Atlantic bounty. During Adventure'ssecond
career as a windjammer, the Captains made her famous as "Queen of the
Windjammers." And now in her third career, as a floating classroom, the crew
assumes a new prominence, as people of all ages and from all countries are invited to help write this new page in
Adventure's rich history.
- Then
- Captain Jeff Thomas
- Captain Leo Hynes
- Captain Dayton Newton
- Captain Jim Sharp
- Dorymen
- Other
- Now
- Help Wanted
- Volunteers needed to crew cybership
- Volunteers needed to crew real ship
- Sponsors
Updated by OBS on July 24, 1996; comments to