OBS Discussion Forum

"Marketing Online" by Marcia Yudkin

Message on November 1, 1995

Yeah. I reckon schmoozing must take the cake as a way of getting noticed. I can only say that I've just been getting into it, and seeing this link was very timeous for me. When I first started doing it, I selected five newsgroups that are quite close to what I'm doing -- my web page is a free poetry page, featuring electronic versions of printed pamphlets. The page has a couple of fun aspects to it as well. For instance, it has a collection of really weird links all relating to feet. (It is after all the homepage of Barefoot Press!) Another link has a collection of little poemlets -- you guessed, written by visitors to the page, and all about feet.

So now gimme a copy of the book so I can become an expert schmoozer! Set foot on the right path... http://www.pix.za/barefoot.press

Roy Blumenthal
