(c) 1997 Mihai Moiceanu - AFIAP
The Weaver's Bastion
Situated in the South-Western part of the walled city, the bastion, polygonal in shape, was
built in two stages by the guild of the flax weavers, between 1421-1436 and 1570-1573. The
walled city has seven bastions, built for city protection and used by certain guilds during
the peace time. The Weaver's Bastion is the best preserved one and considered a unique
construction of this type in Romania.
Bastionul Tesatorilor
Bastionul Tesatorilor, de forma poligonala, este asezat in coltul sud-vestic al cetatii
medievale. Primele doua galerii au fost ridicate intre anii 1421-1436 si constructia a
continuat in anii 1570-1573, la nivelul galeriilor superioare. Cele sapte bastioane ale cetatii
au rol de aparare si sunt incredintate breslelor in timp de pace. Bastionul Tesatorilor, cel
mai bine pastrat dintre toate, este considerat de specialisti ca o constructie unica de acest
gen in Romania.