(c) 1997 Mihai Moiceanu - AFIAP
Saint Nicholas Church
It is an important Transylvanian architectonic ensemble, belonging to the XVIth - XVIIIth
century. It had replaced a little wooden church, mentioned by documents at the end of the
XVIth century. The church was restored and enlarged with the financial support provided by
Walachia and Moldavia's rulers. The historical ensemble preserves valuable XVIIIth century
mural painting and remarkable pieces of old Romanian art.
Biserica Sfantul Nicolae
Important ansamblu de arhitectura romaneasca din Transilvania, datand din secolul XVI-XVIII.
Actuala cladire a fost construita pe locul unei bisericute de lemn, mentionate documentar la
sfarsitul secolului XVI. Cu ajutorul material al domnilor din Tara Romaneasca si Moldova
biserica a fost refacuta si marita. Se pastreaza un valoros anasamblu de pictura murala din
secolul XVIII si remarcabile piese de arta veche romaneasca.