(c) 1999 Mihai Munteanu

Along the Walls
Two parallel walls on the Northern part of the city include between them the Fold (The Zwinger), the Blacksmiths' Bastion (XVth - XVIth century) being today the State Archives, the Butchers' Tower, the Gate Bastion and four gunpowder towers.

Dupa Ziduri
Cele doua ziduri paralele pe latura nordica a cetatii, cuprind intre ele tarcul (zwingerul), Bastionul Fierarilor (secolele XV-XVI) - azi Arhivele Statului, Turnul Macelarilor, Bastionul Portii si patru turnuri de pulbere.

A Tour through the Old Town of Brasov / Turul Brasovului vechi
