(c) 1997 Mihai Moiceanu - AFIAP

Black Church
It is one of the most important Gothic style monuments in Transylvania, built in the XIVth - XVth century. The church has decorative portals, interior and exterior sculptures (statues, phials, fleurons). There are preserved fragments of XVth century mural painting and a collection of XVIth - XVIIIth century oriental carpets. The church was partially affected by the Great Fire of 1689 which also destroyed a great part of the town and since then the church received the name of 'Black Church'.

Biserica Neagra
Unul dintre cele mai importante monumente in stil gotic din Transilvania, construit in secolul XIV - XV. Prezinta portale decorate, sculpturi exterioare si interioare (statui, fiale, fleuroni). Se pastreaza fragmente de pictura murala dn secolul XV si o colectie de covoare orientale din secolele XVII-XVIII. Biserica a fost deteriorata de marele incediu dn anul 1689 care a distrus si o mare parte din oras si de atunci cladirea innerita de fum a capatat numele de Biserica Neagra.

A Tour through the Old Town of Brasov / Turul Brasovului vechi
