"Megamoney Metatags: Some Tips for End-of-Century Indexer Employment" 
09/27/97 Massachusetts Society of Indexers Waltham, Massachusetts
"Beyond the Copy-Based Publishing Model: Distance Learning and Applied Publications"
05/31/97 Doctoral Seminar 1997 Program Berne, Switzerland
The Difference Engine in Digital Time: Tools and Strategies for Selling Content on the Internet
02/13/97 Association of American Publishers, Inc. Professional/Scholarly Publishing Division 1997 Annual Conference Washington D.C.
OBS : A Study in Kinetic Business Models
01/13/97 Massachusetts Strategic Leadership Forum Dinner Meeting, Wyndham Garden Hotel Waltham, Massachusetts
Internet Marketing 101: Increasing Your Company's Marketing Power Through The World Wide Web
10/16/96 Philadelphia Chapter of the American Marketing Association, Twelve Caesars Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Meme Machinery 101: The Evolution of a University Press Marketplace
05/24/96 AAUP Annual Meeting Snowbird, Utah
Through the Looking Glass: Translating Your Business into a Web Success
05/06/97 - 05/10/97 Fifth International World Wide Web Conference Paris, France
Piloting the Web: Identifying Profit through Internet Publishing
04/27/96 - 05/01/96 Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Spring Management Seminar "Facing Future Publishing Challenges", Hyatt Regency Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
The Fine Line Between Publishing and Marketing
02/13/96 Web Developer '96, Advanced Business and Technical Training for Website Developers: Serious Web Solutions, Hyatt Regency Chicago, Illinois
Moving Books: The Process of Internet Publishing
Every Client a Server, Every Author a Publisher: Publishing on the Internet Today
01/11/96 Canada Internet World 96, Canada's largest Internet & World-Wide Web Conference & Exhibition Toronto, Canada
Trading Ideas - New Avenues of Commerce on the Net: Nine Maxims for Doing Business on the Global Internet
11/07/95 -11/08/95 ComMunic Forum on Electronic Publishing Wiesbaden, Germany
Publishing and Doing Business Online in a Multicultural World
11/01/95 Internet World Conference Boston, Massachusetts
"Encyclomedia Linkthink," or Internet Meets "The Practical Guide"
10/11/95 1995 I.P.A. Programme at Frankfurt Book Fair Frankfurt, Germany
A Penny for Your Thoughts: Copyright into "Cogniright"
10/10/95 International Rights Directors meeting Frankfurt Book Fair Frankfurt, Germany
Internet: Literacy's Last Best Hope
06/21/95 Ed-Media 95 World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia Graz, Austria
Beyond the Back of the Book: Indexing in a Shrinking World
06/10/95 American Society of Indexers, Inc. and Societe Canadienne pour l'analyse des documents Montreal, Canada
Talking Sense about Cyberbabel
03/15/95 German Business Congress Cologne, Germany
Reprinted in InSight Kommunikation, June, 1995
Talking Sense about Cyberbabel -- a Distributive, Indexed Version
When Readers Vote with Mice, Can Words Win?
03/09/95 Professional/Scholarly Publishing Division of the AAP Annual Conference Washington, DC
A Reader's Attention: Catching that Rare and Migratory Bird Online
01/24/95 AIC Conference "Publishing On the Networks" London, England
Old Wine, New Bottles
12/05/94 Network Advisory Committee of The Library of Congress Washington, D.C.
Bookworms into Butterflies
10/07/94 Electronic Media Conference at the Frankfurt Book Fair Frankfurt, Germany
Distributive Publishing with the OBS
06/24/94 Rockport, Massachusetts
Slaves of a New Machine
05/10/94 Fifth Conference on Organizational Computing, Coordination, and Collaboration: Making Money on the Internet Austin, Texas
Distributive Publishing: The Ingenuity of Multilinear Thought
03/17/94 Meckler Electronic Books Conference London, England
How We Must Think
12/07/93 Meckler's Internet World '93 Conference Internet Publishing Seminar New York, New York
Reprinted in Intelligence, Special Report No. 4, 1993
Online Publishing: Threat or Menace?
03/1993 Graphic Communications Association Online Publishing Conference Pittsburg, Pennsylvania