Online BookStore (OBS) has been publishing on the Internet since 1992. We've
done a lot of online exploring during that time and would like to share with
OBS visitors some of the best publishing sites we've found. We would like
this list to prove as complete and useful as possible, and invite your
submissions. If you find a worthwhile Web publishing site not on this list,
please send it to Many thanks, and enjoy your travels
in this new realm.
CMU list of Book Publishers & Retailers On-Line
The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Commercial Services
The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Literature maintained by the Internet Book Information Center
University Presses (and more) collected by University of Saskatchewan Library
Association of American University Presses
Addison-Wesley Internet Shop in Germany
Artech House (Books and software)
Association for Computing machinery (ACM)
Blackwell Publishers, Ltd.; in the United Kingdom at the Internet Book Shop
Downtown Anywhere - E-Book Sampler
Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation gopher
MacMillan USA Information SuperLibrary(tm)
Mathematical Association of America
Online BookStore (OBS) - World Wide Web
Springer-Verlag Heidelberg Germany
The Electronic Library of Science
Time Warner Electronic Publishing
Online BookStore (OBS) - World Wide Web
Online BookStore (OBS) - gopher
University of California at Irvine Bookstore
Global Network Navigator (GNN)
Scrolls from the Dead Sea:An Exhibit at the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
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