How Frequent Flyer Programs Stack Up

Here's how Randy Peterson , editor of Inside Flyer magazine , rates the airlines' frequent flyer programs. Peterson has analyzed frequent flyer programs since their inception in the 1980s.

Program Grade Ease of Earning Blackout Seat Availability Customer Service Hotel Partners Tie-Ins
Dom. Int. Dom. Int.Dom. Int.
Northwest WorldPerks B+ B+ A B A A C A- B B
American AAdvantage B+ B+ C A C A C C A A
USAIR Frequent Traveler B B B A C A C B A B
United Mileage Plus B B+ C B C A C A A A-
America West Flight Fund B B A B B A C A- B- B-
Alaska Mileage Plan B B B B+ C A- C B- B A-
Continental OnePass B B+ B C D+ B C A- B B+
Delta Frequent Flyer B- B C- C D A C A- A B-
TWA Freq. Flight Bonus C+ B- C C D B C B C B
Southwest Company Club C C NA A NA A NA A- F F

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