Building a Gym at Home

Start small and work your way up to your own workout center

Maybe the local health club isn't really all that local. Or maybe you're tired of paying dues to stand in line to pump iron. For about the cost of a one-year club membership, you can buy the basic equipment for a good workout in the privacy of your own home. Doug Garfield, who heads Motioneering Inc., a company that develops high-end exercise equipment for professional athletes, says that your best bet is to build gradually so you don't buy unnecessary equipment. Here, Garfield lays out three stages, beginning at $500 for a basic set-up and climbing to $5,000 for a complete circuit. Let budget and space be your guide, but remember: The most expensive equipment in the world won't do you any good unless you use it.

Stage I: $500-$1,000

Requirements for a basic gym:

Stage II: $1,000-$5,000

Include all of the above, plus:

Stage III: $5,000 and up

Include all of the above, plus:


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