- To my mother and father,
- who taught me how to pray.
- Bless you all for your love and friendship: Geraldine Oberling,
whose editorial scrutiny suffuses every page. My inspired agent,
Loretta Barrett, and estimable editor, Emily Reichert. And Letitia
Anderson, Art Bass, Frank Butash, Heather Hoefs, Barbara Fagan,
Vincent Fagan, Donald Filippelli, Abed Mansoor, Elizabeth Quigley,
Paul Roth, Gunther Ruebcke, Lucy Scott, Bill Segal, Hoyt Spelman,
Steve Vasak, Norman Waterman.
- Blessings upon my family: Holly, Glenn, Annabelle, and my wife,
Susannah--no man ever had a better woman at his side.

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