The Bran Castle (Dracula's Castle!)

Bran Castle
is one of the most important architectural monuments in Romania. Built by the Teutonic knights 600 years ago, the Castle lies at a distance of about 30 km south-west of the town.

An important feudal fortress during the Middle Ages, Bran Castle had as main purpose the defence against the invaders. At the same time it was the place from where inland and outland commercial traffic was kept under control.

After 1920, the Castle was donated to Queen Maria of Romania by the Council House of Brasov. Afterwards the Castle was restored and suited to the specifications of Queen Maria, becoming the residence of the Royal House.

The slender líne of the Castle fits the unique landscape of the mountain-village Bran and of its surroundings.

Converted into a museum and opened to the public 40 years ago, the fortress offers the visitors images of the past, such as the chancellor's office, the council hall, the garrison rooms.

Castelul Bran,
important monument de arhitectura din Romania, este situat la 30 km sud-est de Brasov. Puternica fortificatie medievala, strajuita de Muntii Bucegi si Pìatra Craiului, a fost construita cu peste 600 de ani în urma "cu propriile osteneli si cheltuieli" de catre locuitorii Brasovului.

Dupa Marea Unire de la 1 Decembrie 1918, Consiliul Orasenesc al Brasovului a donat Castelul Reginei Maria a Romaniei. Restaurat de arhitectul Carol Liman, edificiul pierde o parte din infatisarea militara austera primind în schimb atributele unei resedinte regale.

Organizat ca muzeu în 1957, colectiile de arta romaneasca si universala, deja existente, devin accesibile marelui public. Astazi, Muzeul Bran, cu expozitia din Castel, cu sectia Vama Veche si Sectia Etnografica în aer liber, este un punct obligatoriu de trecere pentru turistii care vin în Romania.

A Tour through the Old Town of Brasov / Turul Brasovului vechi
