
About Romania and Carpathian Mountains/
Despre Romania si Carpati

Romania in Your Pocket Contains all the essential about Brasov
Lonely Planet - Destination Romania
Yahoo! Regional:Countries:Romania
CNN - Travel: City Guides - Romania
Hiking in Carpathians
Romanians OnLine
The Carpathians Mountains
Mountaineering in the Carpathians

Ski Links / Link-uri despre ski

Dracula Powder - A Romanian Adventure
The Ski Pass Archive - Europe
SkiCentral - Skiing and Snowboarding Index
Lee Cohen Photography - Extreme Skiing Pics
Extreme Skiing

Other sites made by me / Alte situri facute de mine

My Personal Home Page
The Romanian Village / Le Village Roumain / Satul Romanesc

[ home | bike | ski | hike | old town | maps | author | photo album | frames on | frames off ]
Send comments to the author: Mihai Munteanu
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