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The Sixth Sense - The Main Exhibition

The history of Austrian thought in the Twentieth Century is the subject of the main exhibition, which can be seen from October 11th to 16th in the Austrian pavillion at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the world's largest book fair every year.

Biographical information on approximately 1,500 different authors and bibliographical information on Austrian literature – partly supplemented by acoustic and visual materials – can be looked up on an interactive database. The special database was set up by the IG authors and the Literature House of Vienna.

Many Austrian books will be presented at the exhibition – covering the different themes and fields of Austrian literature, art, and science, for visitors browse through.

Visitors will also have direct contact with the writers through a display of the writers' personal possessions – partly selected by the authors themselves for this exhibition. These personal possessions (together with books and documents) will be displayed in an almost symbolic way in showcases, that appear like frames or room enclosures – which is the aim. The visitor should have the impression that he is looking through a window, yet at the same time experience the exhibition as an intellectual background for the events of the coffee house and stage. The themes of the exhibition are:

Linguistic Worlds and Language Families

These Exhibits are associated with Karl Kraus and the Vienna Group and are concerned with every area of language affiliation.

State and Nation

Observations on the attitude of Austrian literature to the state and nation, a position that alternates between transfiguration and abuse.


A theme presented by Joseph Roth and Elias Canetti, Franz Werfel und Hilde Spiel.

Coffee House

By looking into the coffee house from the coffee house, the pavilion visitor gets a glimpse of the Imperial or Hawelka, the epitome of urban intellectual culture.

Suburbia and the Underworld

The discovery of the province is a literary place – a theme, associated for instance with Joseph Winkler or Felix Mitterer.

The Other Horizon

A theme represented for instance by authors like Kafka and Kubi or Hoffmannsthal as well as Gerhard Roth or Peter Handke.

And the observations of the

Inner World

allow us to draw conclusions about Ilse Aichinger, Ingeborg Bachmann, Arthur Schnitzler.

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