The James Beard Cookbook Hall of Fame

The Cookbook Hall of Fame recognizes books that have significantly influenced the way we think about food and honored authors who possess an exceptional ability to communicate their gastronomic vision via the printed page. The first cookbook was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1977.

1994 Greene on Greens, Bert Greene, Workman Press, 1989, $15.95
1993 Alice Let's Eat, American Fried and Third Helpings (The Tummy Trilogy), Calvin Trillin, FS&G, 1994, $16
1992 Simple French Food, Richard Olney, Macmillan, 1992, $13
1991 The Silver Palate Cookbook, Julee Rosso and Sheila Lukins with Michael McLaughlin, Workman Press, 1982, $12
1990 The Food of France and The Food of Italy, Waverley Root, Random House, 1992, $13
1989 The Art of Eating, M.F.K. Fisher, Macmillan, 1990, $16
1988 No award given
1987 Foods of the World (18 volumes, 1969-1972), Time-Life Books, $19.95-$25
1986 Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volumes One and Two, Volume One by Julia Child with Simone Beck and Louisette Betholle; Volume Two by Julia Child with Simone Beck, Knopf, 1970, $25 each
1985 The American Woman's Cookbook, edited by Ruth Berolzheimer, Culinary Arts Institute, 1948, out of print, roughly $35
1984 George Auguste Escoffier Cookbook Collection, George Auguste Escoffier, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1979, $64.95
1983 The James Beard Cookbook, James Beard, Dutton, 1970, out of print, roughly $30
1982 The Betty Crocker Cookbook, edited by Marjorie Child Hustad, Bentham, 1987, $7.99
1981 The New York Times Cookbook, Craig Claiborne, HarperCollins, 1990, $30
1980 The Cordon Bleu Cookbook, Dione Lucas, Little Brown, 1947, $25
1979 The Fannie Farmer Cookbook, Fannie Merritt Farmer, 1983, $6.95
1978 The Joy of Cooking, Irma Rombauer, Dutton, 1991, $9.98
1977 The Settlement Cookbook, Mrs. Simon (Lillian) Kander, Simon & Schuster, 1976, $25

Selected James Beard Foundation 1995 Cookbook Award Winners

Cookbook of the Year: Chocolate and the Art of Low Fat Desserts - Alice Medrich, Warner Books, 1995, $35
International: The Cooking of the Eastern Mediterranean - Paula Wolfert, HarperCollins, 1995, $30
Vegetarian: Moosewood Restaurant Cooks at Home - Moosewood Collective, Simon & Schuster/Fireside, 1995, $15

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