OBS Discussion Forum

"Marketing Online" by Marcia Yudkin

Message on February 7, 1996

Hi Marcia,

I didn't see your comment forum last time I checked here, but it's obviously been here all along. I just jumped in because I am adding this site to a links page for newsletter publishers. (I have friends asking where they can find useful stuff on the www and since I have untimed access and many of them don't, I'm linking to a few of my favorites so they can find them easily.) I think this will be useful to them if they haven't already been here. If you check out http://pages.prodigy.com/getolife/links.html later you can tell me if you want to change anything on your link.

Don't you wish this could be required reading for people signing up for any online service? I agree that the best marketing doesn't LOOK like marketing.

(Has Joe been here?)

Bonnie Rice
