David Warren Paul

Author of Fantasy on the Theme B-A-C-H

David Warren Paul proudly claims a dilettantish talent for many things. Born in Iowa, he grew up in North Dakota and received a lengthy education at Carleton College, Johns Hopkins, and Princeton. He has traveled widely and speaks ten languages with an ability that ranges from basic Berlitz to near-fluency. Over the course of several careers, he has written books and many articles on politics, international studies, and film criticism, as well as numerous technical writings large and small. His translations of poems by the young Algerian poet, Nina Ould-Ali, have appeared in The Raven Chronicles and Poetry in Praise of the Islamic Woman. Most recently Paul co-authored, with Andrew Fry, How to Publish on the Internet (Warner Books, 1995), and authored “Food for Thought,” a daily column on the World Wide Web. Paul studied organ under Enid and Henry Woodward at Carleton College, and he has on occasion served as interim organist at several churches. He plays the works of Bach fairly well but does not play Liszt.

The author in Spain
The Author in Spain, after
conquering Don Quixote’s windmill
Organ pipes

Fantasy on the Theme B-A-C-H earned for its author an Award of Merit from the Pacific Northwest Writers Conference. PNWC awards are given each year for unpublished manuscripts showing exceptional promise.

Into each other dream and waking flow,
And truth and falsehood. Certainty is nowhere.
Of others naught we know, naught of ourselves...

– Arthur Schnitzler, Paracelsus

© 1997 by David Warren Paul. All rights reserved.

David Warren Paul is represented by Open Book Systems (OBS);
please contact us if you would like to learn more about his work.