OBS Reviewed by World Media

Publishers Weekly, Frankfurt Live 97, October 16, 1997 "Laura Fillmore Comments on DOI"

"In creating the DOI system, publishers are putting themselves in the position of global information architects, which in a new and evolving commercial system, may be seen as quite a strong and appropriate position."

Publishers Weekly, July 1997 "The Road Ahead: Publishing visionaries look at the changes that digital technology might bring"

"An author's work ultimately achieves its value from being used, from being applied by its readers. On the Internet, it's more important to determine how a work is accessed, and who has access to it, than to try and prevent copying."

Webmaster, February 1997 "Making Book"
"Laura Fillmore, President and CEO of Open Book Systems Ltd.....has always been impatient with an online publishing model that echoes the print version, and now she's pushing her ideas even further....Fillmore's latest effort is the world's first Internet Rights Auction, held at the 48th Frankfurt Book Fair in October 1996."

Magellan, January 20, 1996 Selected by The McKinley Group as a "4-Star" site
"... (OBS) is the first online publisher to transcend this myopia, capitalizing on the unique properties of hypertext in order to offer a dynamic, ever-varying reading experience that can only be found online....The innovative design and ease-of-use make this an interesting and fun site to visit."

Entertainment Weekly, December 8, 1995 "Our Next Attraction"
"...when all the Net flash is done and loaded, the [Cry, the Beloved Country] site that has honest-to-goodness content can show up the PR flacks any day.... It quietly earns the respect the other sites grab at and miss."

Internet World, September, 1995 "The Word Electric"
"...the Online BookStore...is blazing a trail...over the Internet."

WebMaster, September/October, 1995 "A Novel Experience"
"The Online BookStore...[is] a value-added publishing venture...unlike traditionally published texts, online books can grow contextually richer as relevant information comes online and readers offer feedback...."

Internet World, June 1995 "Buy the Book"
"OBS president Laura Fillmore has created online products that go well beyond the traditional definition of a book. She is a pioneer who created a whole new learning experience using the full capabilities of interactive communication..."

Publishers Weekly, May 29, 1995 "Working on the World Wide Web"
"The McGraw-Hill Professional Book Group reports unexpected success in sales of its title Paperless Publishing as a result of making the book available free through the Online BookStore..."

PCWEEK, October 24, 1994 "On-line marketing: Where does one start?"
"...the OBS (Online BookStore) [is] required reading for anyone interested in marketing on the net. Aside from being an impressive application of marketing on the Web, be sure to get OBS owner Laura Fillmore's excellent articles on how to approach marketing and commerce on the Internet."

American Bookseller, April, 1994 "The Online BookStore: Future or Fantasy"
"I may have seen the future....a fascinating experience. I witnessed a demonstration of...the Online BookStore...I must say, the experience was exhilarating...there are things you can do on-line that you can't do on paper... Even this just begins to reveal the enormous potential of on-line books..."

The Wall Street Journal, January 11, 1993 "Visiting a BookStore by switching on a PC"
"[OBS] isn't the first on-line service to make books available electronically...But OBS says it will be the first to offer current titles in a way that compensates authors and publishers....’This has the potential to change the way we all do business,' says Keith Wollman, a senior editor at Addison-Wesley."

Intelligence, December 1993 "Business Focus at Internet World Meeting"
"...the most extraordinary and prescient presentation at IW was a talk given by Laura Fillmore...[which] outlined nothing less than the future of publishing for the electronic age..."

Click here for a complete collection of media reviews about OBS.

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