Educational Programs

The Adventure, a 70-year-old knockabout schooner, came home to the city of Gloucester in 1988, thanks to Captain Jim Sharp. The only request Captain Sharp made on donating the ship to the city was that the Adventure "continue to be cared for, prominently displayed as a monument to the city of Gloucester and used for the education and pleasure of the public."

The ship has since become a classroom for hands-on experiential learning in math, science, social and cultural studies, and the arts. Programs are offered that educate children, teachers and the general public about maritime heritage and marine learning. The educational offerings include professional development workshops for teachers, in-school and on board programs for children of all ages, guided tours for school groups and the general public, summer science camp programs and a growing collection of maritime education resource materials.

This page represents the schooner Adventure's maiden voyage into Cyberspace, the expansion of her virtual classroom beyond physical boundaries. With this site, the ship becomes a global learning environment where people of all ages and from all countries can participate in online educational programs about the sea world Adventure represents so richly. These pages represent the first wind in the sails of a new Adventure. Like successful education, Adventure's Internet site will only succeed and grow through the exchange of ideas, and to that end, we invite all hands on deck and welcome you to the Adventure.

Updated by OBS on July 24, 1996; comments to